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Environmental management services refer to a range of services designed to help our customers minimize their impact on the environment and meet or exceed environmental regulation. They also help to reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainability. By working with ESCO, our customers can ensure that their operations are environmentally responsible and sustainable. Our environmental management services include;

Environmental impact assessments (EIAs)
Evaluating the potential impacts of a proposed project on the environment and identifying any necessary mitigation measures.
Sustainability consulting
Advising organizations on how to reduce their carbon footprint and improve their sustainability practices.
Sustainable Waste management
Providing solutions for the safe and responsible disposal of waste, including hazardous wastes and radioactive wastes.
Air quality management
Monitoring and controlling air pollution, including the management of emissions from industrial processes and transportation.
Water management
Managing water resources, including the treatment of wastewater and the protection of water sources.
Soil and groundwater remediation
Removing contaminants from soil and groundwater to restore environmental quality.
Biodiversity conservation
Protecting and restoring ecosystems and species habitats. Coastal Coral relocation.
Climate change adaptation and mitigation
Assisting organizations in adapting to the impacts of climate change and reducing their greenhouse gas emissions.
Environmental permitting and compliance
Assisting organizations in obtaining and maintaining the necessary permits and certifications to comply with environmental regulations.
Oil Spill
The release of oil into the environment, which can have serious impacts on wildlife, habitat, and human health. Environmental management services may include cleanup and remediation efforts following an oil spill.



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